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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Ventura's Largest Youth Sports Organization - Serving the community for 50 years!

Waitlist Policy

We are currently taking waitlist registrations. 
Registration for our Fall season was held April 1 - June 15.

We are working hard to place as many wait listed children on to teams as possible and have been adding additional teams where we can.  We will continue to do our best to add teams in divisions with large waitlists but it is important to be aware of the following details:

We will not add teams until we have a Head Coach, Assistant Coach and a minimum of 1 Referee per team. If you are willing to volunteer for one of these positions and your child is registered for the waitist please email [email protected].

Please be sure to include the following information:
  • Volunteer First & Last Name
  • Volunteer Position (Head Coach & Referee are most critical)
  • Division Child is Waitlisted For
  • Child's First & Last Name
If you’re child has been added to our waitlist, p
lease review these important details.
You are not guaranteed a spot in the program. Should a space become available you will be notified by email.  

* * *If you have multiple children on the waitlist, know that there is a good chance one child may be offered a space, while the other may not.* * * 

  • If a space becomes available for your child, you will be sent an email with directions on how to complete the registration.
  • You will have 72 hours to accept the offered space and pay your fees from the time the email is sent. Check your email often!
  •  If you do not accept the offered space and pay your fees within the 72 hours you will forfeit your space. The space will then be offered to the next child on the list.
  • Be sure to check your email regularly. 72 hours starts from the time we issue the email.
  • If you do not accept your space within the allotted time, your registration will be canceled. You would need to re-register to be added to the waitlist again.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 39

OFFICE HOURS: Please check our online calendar for Open Office Hours 
1802 Eastman Ave. Suite 113 Ventura, California 93003

Email Us: [email protected]
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